• Blog
  • May 9, 2023

5 ways anonymous feedback can improve the workplace

As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved, however sometimes people can be hesitant or even resistant to talk about what’s affecting them at work.

74% of employees say they’d be more willing to give feedback if communication channels were genuinely anonymous. Anonymity is powerful because it can increase psychological safety in the workplace, meaning people are more likely to speak up as feelings of judgement and the fear of negative consequences are removed. As a result, employees feel more comfortable raising ideas or reaching out for confidential support if they need it.

Gaining insight from the ground-up can help managers turn comments into actionable insights, making their organisations better places to work.
With that in mind, here are five ways leaders can harness anonymous employee feedback to improve the workplace.

1. Boost employee engagement

According to findings from Gallup, organisations that report high levels of employee engagement can experience up to 59% reduction in employee turnover rate. The same study found that motivated employees are, on average, 17% more productive than disengaged teams.

These figures suggest that actively creating opportunities for employees to provide anonymous feedback can positively impact morale and, ultimately, performance.

2. Identify issues

If interdepartmental communication breaks down, this can prevent employees from speaking up or raising issues, simply because they feel it’s not their place to share opinions on areas of the business they are less involved in.

Creating a space where employees can anonymously share what’s really on their minds—regardless of job role or hierarchy — can help leaders understand what really matters to their people.

3. Foster innovation

Employees may have ambitious ideas for improving the workplace in general or creative ideas for a project. However, they might feel embarrassed to share them with other team members or in a wider ideas meeting.

Providing employees with an opportunity to raise suggestions anonymously encourages creative thinkers to share ideas in a safe environment.

4. Promote inclusion

Providing a vehicle for anonymous feedback can be fundamental to encouraging participation and discussion on sensitive issues such as diversity and inclusion. For example, if these policies evolve, it might be helpful to get feedback before changes are implemented.

Our Chief Operating Officer, Mandy Kerley, recently discussed why getting rid of ‘the fear factor’ at work is so important, and how it can improve feelings of inclusivity.

5. Improve workplace democracy

Sometimes in meetings, less outgoing employees may go along with an idea they don’t agree with because the majority are going in a particular direction.
Providing a platform where employees can choose to raise suggestions anonymously, makes it easier to improve democracy across the organisation. For example, from small things like where to hold this year’s Summer party to a wider company process. This removes group bias, meaning employees’ opinions can be measured accurately.

Trickle makes gathering anonymous feedback easy

The Trickle platform is a psychologically safe place for employee-led improvements in the workplace and always provides the option to remain properly anonymous:

  • If anyone is engaging or raising Trickles or seeking private one-to-one support, they will always have the choice to remain anonymous.
  • Trickle really is anonymous. Each time a user chooses to remain anonymous, they’re given a new, unique alias making it impossible to work out who is behind the keyboard.
  • When asking a question about how people feel about something with our MoodSense feature, individual responses are always anonymous.

If you’d like to find out more about how Trickle can help your team, initiative or project, why not book a 30-minute demo with one of our friendly team?